Monday, January 14, 2013

What I Learned from a Blog Post in Google Reader

Thanks to the winner of last year's contest!
Here's what I learned from a blog post in Google Reader. The post was published on the Official Google Blog, at

The title of the blog post is "Inviting kids to dream big: Doodle 4 Google 2013 is open for submission!" One thing I've learned was that once a year, K-12 students enter the Doodle 4 Google competition to draw a doodle of the Google logo. Another thing I've learned was that the doodles fall into a theme, and there's a different theme every year. This year's theme is "My Best Day Ever." A third thing I've learned was that the winner will have his or her picture on the Google homepage for one day and win a $30,000 college scholarship and a $50,000 technology grant! I'm not that interested in entering the contest though.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Three Things I've Learned in Computer Literacy

Here are some things I learned from taking Computer Literacy.

One thing I've learned about was cyberbullying. Now I know that not only does cyberbullying mean bothering someone online, but it can also mean misusing their personal information, such as posting it on a public place.

Another thing I've learned about was copyright and fair use. Now I can make sure that I'm using someone's property fairly, such as giving the person credit, so I won't disrespect their copyright.

A third thing I've learned about was images in a presentation. If I make a presentation, I'll make sure that the images improve the presentation, not distract the audience from its main goal.